Technique in the spotlight: singer sewing

Stockmans’ technique in the spotlight: singer sewing

Stockmans regularly works with special bookbinding methods. From glued to coloured ribs, threadless or knotted binding, we always look for the method that fits best with your concept. The technique we focus on today is called singer sewing.

With this technique the gatherings of a book are bound by sewing with a specific stitch. The singer stitch is comparable to that of a jeans’ hem. The name is associated with the classic Singer sewing machine, which is no coincidence since it reminds people of classic craftmanship.

By working with thread and a visible binding, the publication has that little extra touch that it perhaps lacks as a simple glued book. This technique really suits publications that have a design for their subject matter, whether on a large or small scale. The technique was, for instance, used for the policy of the city architect of Antwerp, and is a great fit for the overall design. The result is a simple and beautiful book.